Protect your planet, your family, your pets and yourself by getting rid of your cell phone now.
It’s up to each of us to stop the destruction.
(for those who still have cell phones)
WHEREAS, your cell phone emits the same microwave radiation as a cell tower;
WHEREAS, making a cell phone call or sending a text exposes you to much more radiation than the radiation from any cell towers;
WHEREAS, turning on your cell phone causes the nearest cell tower to emit more radiation;
WHEREAS, for your cell phone to work when you want it to, all the cell towers on Earth have to be there;
WHEREAS, reducing the power of your cell phone, holding it away from your body, or putting it on a table, does not make it any safer and can harm you even more;
WHEREAS, in experimental animals, a two-minute exposure to a cell phone damages the blood-brain barrier, and a two-hour exposure causes permanent brain damage, even when the power is reduced 100-fold;
WHEREAS, cell phone radiation interferes with nerve conduction and brain function and is a predominant cause of multiple sclerosis, ADHD, autism, dementia, anxiety disorder, depression, and other neurological disorders today;
WHEREAS, cell phone radiation interferes with your metabolism and is a predominant cause of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer today;
WHEREAS, your cell phone, when you call or text, directly exposes not just you, but your family, children, pets, friends, passersby, and the birds, insects, animals, plants and trees in your neighborhood to microwave radiation;
WHEREAS, most insects and at least one-third of all birds on Earth have already disappeared, having been killed in large part by the radiation from cell phones and cell towers;
WHEREAS, life on Earth evolved for billions of years without microwave radiation (the microwave radiation from the sun and stars being miniscule), and there is no safe level of exposure;
WHEREAS, microwave radiation is the first pollutant that is being intentionally dispersed over every square inch of the Earth, instead of unintentionally like every other pollutant;
WHEREAS, there are 15 billion cell phones in use on Earth today, and the microwaving of our planet will never cease unless and until the people decide to stop using them;
WHEREAS, microwave radiation is a greater and more urgent assault on the Earth than global warming, pesticides, or any other environmental threat, and is well on the way to destroying the rest of terrestrial life within a very few years;
THEREFORE, we the undersigned pledge that we will get rid of our cell phones by March 20, the Spring Equinox, 2023.
For detailed information and documentation:
Radio Wave Packet: What You Need to Know About Wireless Technology
Download at